Weebly Blog Archive

When I first started out, I created new websites on both Weebly and Squarespace. I’ve since decided to focus on Squarespace websites for new clients, but there are a lot of you who still have Weebly websites and it’s a great DIY website platform. I hope you find these tips, tricks, and shortcuts helpful.

I can also help you update your Weebly website through my custom website services. Feel free to set up a free phone consultation to see how I can help.






Launch Kerry A. Thompson Launch Kerry A. Thompson

Selling products online with Weebly? Consider the Business Plan

Cost is an important factor for small businesses, so understanding how much it actually costs to sell products online is part of the research I'm doing to help advise future clients. I came across an article today in which the author reviews Weebly's different plans and their costs. The author comes to the conclusion that if you're planning to use your Weebly website to sell products online as a main revenue stream, the Weebly Business Plan is the best bet for you.

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If you’re ready to stop worrying about your website, let’s talk