
When I create websites for my clients, we work in a collaborative way so they’re learning about what websites are, how they work, and how to update them. These blog posts answer many of the questions my clients have as we work together. I hope you find this information helpful too.

Do you REALLY need a website?

Everyone tells you that you must have a website, but do you? Learn some of the ways you can promote your business without a website, either temporarily or permanently.

Design Kerry A. Thompson Design Kerry A. Thompson

How to archive a page in Squarespace

Whether you want to archive a page for posterity or for your future use, here are the instructions for properly archiving the page without causing 404 Page Not Found errors on your Squarespace website.

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Design Kerry A. Thompson Design Kerry A. Thompson

Best practices for creating a Social Sharing image

You can add a Social Sharing image to Squarespace to be shown as a link preview for your website when you share a URL on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The size of 1200x628 pixels works best for those platforms. You can also set custom images for specific website pages or blog posts to draw extra attention to them.

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Design Kerry A. Thompson Design Kerry A. Thompson

What to include in your Squarespace footer

A footer is the last section of information at the bottom of a website page. Use this valuable area to show contact information, add links to website pages, and ask visitors to take action on their way to becoming loyal customers.

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Design Kerry A. Thompson Design Kerry A. Thompson

Improving SEO for your Squarespace website images

Images play a role in improving your website's search rankings. Using file names and image properties strategically on your Squarespace website to include possible search words is a good practice for improving the search rankings of your website.

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Design Kerry A. Thompson Design Kerry A. Thompson

Finding your website’s perfect type

One of the first decisions you'll make with a new website is the choice of typefaces, especially those used as display accents throughout your site, such as the Site Title and Headings. Your website probably includes typefaces that suit the design template you chose, but if you would prefer another typeface, there are many to choose from.

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Stop struggling. Start your website.